Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ultimate Carmel Cup Campaign

Sometimes I can be a little bit of a loser. Right now is one of those times. Dreyer's Ice Cream has decided to discontinue my favorite (the ultimate) flavor of ice cream (see previous post: Ultimate Carmel Cup) so my hand has been forced - I have started a Bring Back My Ultimate Carmel Cup campaign.

I have emailed friends and family asking them to email the company about the loss of their favorite flavor. This is where I really look like a loser. I mean, it is only ice cream. The thing is - it's not. It is a little bit of heaven in a bowl. This carmel flavored ice cream has carmel syrup swirled throughout. Adding more decadence, little milk chocolate carmel filled cups are mixed in as well. My mouth is watering. It is an addiction.

Like all good addicts I have a dear co-dependent friend who is helping me scour grocery (actual and online) stores for unpurchased remnants. She is good. She has already found and purchased 3 gallons. They are waiting for me in her freezer (I just need to drive over to Bellevue...).

The email I received back from Dreyer's (in response to my inquiry) confirmed what I had already learned, Ultimate Carmel Cup had indeed been discontinued because of national sales. But they also said (a glimmer of hope) However, it is possible if we hear from enough consumers who share your views this product could be reinstated.

Many friends and family have already sent their pleas to Dreyer's (and have been rewarded with 2 $ .50 coupons for future Dreyer's purchases - you could save a WHOLE dollar). This is your chance for your voice to be heard! Visit Dreyer's website and let them know your devastation of the discontinuation of Ultimate Carmel Cup. If not for me, then do it for the kids. Kelan and Lauren's mom is a lot happier knowing that this ice cream exists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got my 2 50 cent coupons over the weekend. I was interested to see that in their list of ice creams they mention which ones have nuts and which ones are gluten free...who would have thought you would have to worry about glutens in an ice cream, but then I forget about cookiedough and brownie ice cream.