Monday, June 16, 2008

Kinda Crunchy

Last night as Dan and I were getting into bed, Dan brushed the crumbs? from our sheets before he laid down. I knew the kids had been playing in our bed and I thought Kelan may have gotten some dirt in the bed so I asked Dan what it was. He did not know, but he thought the sheets were kinda crunchy. Eew. So gross. And quite frankly, a little embarrassing. Yet, here I am publicly writing/telling everyone about it.

I started to think back, when had I last washed my sheets? Well, I know I had been in the habit of washing them when Kelan peed in the bed. Which - when he was coming down every night to sleep with me - was often, so I knew my sheets were getting cleaned at least once or twice a week. That got me thinking, when was it that Kelan stopped crawling into bed with me and Dan at night? Oh my god, it was a month or so ago - which means... oh my god, my sheets are really really really dirty. Eew. So gross. Needless to say, my sheets are in the washer today - on hot with bleach.

It is funny, though. Since having children, my standards have changed. Just today I used my own shirt to wipe Kelan's nose. I also watched (not prevented) Lauren dip her rice cake in the sand/water and eat it (I noticed another mom watch her do this as well. She made a face as she scanned the moms at the beach to see if one of them was going to come and stop the buffet. I did not). I would think that the taste and texture of the sand alone would be a deterrent. Nope.

As a parent, I guess my gross sheets are on par with everything else. Kids are messy. I'm always wiping something. But for tonight, my sheets will be clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eew! Crunchy is never good when it comes to sheets. I feel very princess and the pea with the debris that collects.

I too would have thought that the texture along would be a good deterrent, I know I hate when I get a piece of sand or some other foulness in a bite that is supposed to be something else.

Maybe the sand is just extra ruffage :)